Among the many things that conspired to derail my publishing plans—or any plans—this year, a case of paresthesia in my mouth was the most recent. This means that one side of my mouth and tongue has remained numb for more than two weeks after a routine dental procedure! (Yes, this is a thing.) I regain a little more feeling every day, but progress is slow—imagine that last hour before the feeling comes back after getting a filling or a crown, only that hour is drawn out over a couple of weeks. Even as I type this, I still have a trace of pins-and-needles in the tip of my tongue and just underneath it.
The upside of this odd malady? Although I sounded like the young, bullied Cindy Brady for a while, and my unsuspecting tongue became a target for my sharp cuspids as I tried to chew, I was able to get much closer to the finish line on Book 2 in the Edgemont series. Unless my characters surprise me (again), I have only one more chapter to write. I’ll finish it this week, and then the editing process starts and should be completed later this summer.
I had really hoped for a spring release, but I want to produce the best book I can, and if that means it takes a little longer to get it right, then so be it. I hope you’ll enjoy it when it does come out, and I’ll be keeping you posted on a more solid release date as soon as possible.
I hope whatever you’re struggling with right now in your life you’re still able to express yourself as the beautiful being that you are—and may you never be hindered by the Buddy Hintons of the world.
Take care!